Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Diaper Cake

How I Made My Diaper Cakes
Roll all of your diapers one by one and rubberband.  I used 120 size 2 diapers for my project. Sorry I forgot this picture ;(

Bunch all of the rolled diapers into the pan and put on the top lid to attach the large rubberband.  I used 3 LG rubberbands for each layer.
Take out of the pans to place on the cake

Build your layers
Find the right size or sizes for you
Put crinkled paper inbetween layers & use skewers to hold the layers together when moved.  For me the skewers helped me to build the piece to hold clothes.

Cover the bands with a thick ribbon band and begin to add your additional elements.  Now its play time!
Dodger Done!!!

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